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GhostTube App  Download and Tutorial

In order to fully enjoy your ghost hunt experience with us, we highly recommend you already come equipped. GhostTube and GhostTube SLS are the only professional Mobile Apps that are used by real Ghost Hunters, in the field and we will be using these apps to conduct our ghost hunt.


When you arrive for your Paranormal Experience, with GhostTube and GhostTube SLS already installed on your mobile phone, you are guaranteed to have access to the best ghost hunting techniques which will provide another level of interaction with the spirit world.


To get ready to install these apps you will first need to ensure you are reading this page on your mobile device. If you are on your PC then switch to your mobile and come back to this tutorial following the link that was E-mailed to you.

Download GhostTube for Android

Click this Link to go to Play Store:


Download GhostTube for iOS

Click this Link to go to The App Store:


GhostTube uses your mobile device's actual sensors to detect fluctuations in magnetic energy, electronic voice phenomena and capture apparitions while recording videos. No special sound or visual FX added - Just raw readings from your device. Read more about how GhostTube works over at

Features included with the Ghost Tube Ghost Detector App:
- Magnetic Field Detector (EMF Detector), using the phones built-in magnetometer
- Sound Spectrum Analyzer to assist in identifying electronic voice phenomenon (EVP recorder)
- Low light video filters to aid video filming in dark places
- Ghost Dictionary with up to 850 commonly used names and words in over 20 languages*
- Word log for tracking selected words*

Download GhostTube SLS for Android

Click this Link to go to Play Store:


Download GhostTube SLS for iOS

Click this Link to go to The App Store:


GhostTube SLS Camera Alternative detects humanoid bodies in your environment similar to the Kinect SLS cameras used by real paranormal investigators.

The GhostTube SLS Camera uses your phone's camera to identify human figures and bodies.


You now have all the tools you need to be a ghost hunter. Once both Apps are installed you will see that you can easily switch between them by pressing the ghost icon in the top right corner. You can also install GhostTube VOX, another app, if you feel adventurous.


Have a play with the Apps and get used to them so that when you arrive for your experience you will know exactly which tool you will want to use, and how to use it. There will also be a talk on using the apps, on the day, however, if you are already familiar with them then you can get straight to the fun part. Happy hunting and we'll see you soon!!!

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